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Student Offices


There will be a President(s) and Vice-President(s) of the team selected each spring for the upcoming season at a time and manner determined by the Head Coach. These new officers will assume their offices immediately upon appointment by the Head Coach.


Duties of the President:

  • The President(s) shall preside over all team meetings and determine the agenda of meetings with the assistance of the other officers and the approval of the Head Coach.

  • The President(s) shall make all appropriate announcements, provide all appropriate information to the team, hear comments, entertain motions, perform appropriate ceremonies, and conduct meetings.

  • The President(s), along with all other officers, shall assist in all fund raising, organizational, and ceremonial events of the team, and assume supervisory roles in the absence of or when directed to by the coaching staff.

  • The President(s), along with the other officers, shall comprise an advisory group to provide input on all team issues to the coaching staff.


Duties of the Vice President:

  • The Vice President(s) shall assume the duties of the President(s) in their absence and ascend to the presidency if a President(s) is no longer able to perform his duties, as directed by the Head Coach.

  • The Vice President(s) will assist the President(s) in the performance of all his duties.


There will also be a Secretary/Historian, Treasurer, Tournament Manager(s), Webmaster, Social Committee Chairperson and Middle School Programs Director appointed by the Head Coach each spring and will assume office concurrently with the President(s) and Vice President(s).


Duties of the Secretary/Historian:

  • The secretary will be responsible for keeping minutes of all team meetings. The secretary shall also be responsible for maintaining all team records and files.

  • The secretary shall also provide any needed clerical assistance to the other officers or coaching staff when necessary.


Duties of the Treasurer:

  • The Treasurer, under the direct supervision of the coaching staff, shall be responsible for the handling of all team funds.

  • The Treasurer shall also, under the direct supervision of the coaching staff, maintain all financial records and make all financial reports.


Duties of the Tournament Manager(s):           

  • The Tournament Manager will assist the coaching staff in the planning and  preparation of all forensics tournaments held on North Meck’s campus.

  • The Tournament Manager will assume operational management of all tournament staff during said tournaments


Duties of the Webmaster:

  • The Webmaster will be in charge of maintaining and updating the Team Website as directed by the Head Coach.

  • The Webmaster will communicate with the assistant coaches and Parent Boosters and post material for them on the website as needed.


Duties of the Social Committee Chairperson(s):

  • The Social Committee Chairperson(s)will be in charge of organizing  and  running team social gatherings, under the guidance of the coaching staff.

Duties of the Middle School Programs Director(s):

  • The Middle School Programs Director(s) (MSPD) shall prepare curricula, recruit student teachers, co-ordinate scheduling and be     operational director of all NM Debate & Speech Team programs at   neighboring middle schools.

  • The MSPD shall also be the liaison between North Meck Debate and the   Middle School principal and staff.

  • The MSPD will also direct an annual mini-tournament for middle schools.

Division Captains

There will be five (5) divisions of the North Mecklenburg Debate & Speech Team: Public Forum, L/D Debate, Student Congress, Speech, and Extemp. There will be a captain(s) for each division appointed each year by the Head Coach at the end of each season for the next season.


Division Captain Responsibilities:

  • Take direction from and give advice and assistance to the assigned assistant coach for their division in both academic and administrative matters concerning the division

  • Communicate and enforce directions, rules, and regulations from the coaching staff for their division.

  • Help in the preparation and training of novices as directed

  • Assist veteran members in preparation and research for their respective events

  • Take charge of organizing and accounting for members of their division when traveling to tournaments

  • Maintain and organize all research and files relevant to their division


Team Officers 2018-19


President(s): Satya Khurana, Jakob Nusinov

Vice-President(s): Sophie Templeton, Amith Koneru, Ashna Ram functioning VPs; all seniors are ipso facto Vice-Presidents

Financial Secretary: Julian Price

Communications Officers: Amal Salih


Tournament Managers: Executive Managers: Sara O'Brien, Sophia Templeton, Amal Salih

Speech Captain(s): Interp: Sophia Templeton, Public Address: Satya Khurana

Congress Captain(s): CJ Cuica, Rosie Cloud

PF Debate Captain(s): Ashna Ram, Jakob Nusinov

Lincoln-Douglas Captain(s): Luis Villalobos, Daniel O'Brien

Extemp Captain: TBA


Recruiting Chairpersons: Ashna Ram, Sophia Templeton, Amith Koneru

Social Committee Chairperson(s): Jack Barnett, Amal Salih

Middle School Program: Bernard Shen

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