Booster Club Info
The NMHS Debate and Speech Boosters was formed to promote the charitable and educational purposes of the North Meck High School Debate and Speech Team, as well as support the decisions of the coach.
What do booster club fundraisers pay for?
The primary focus of the boosters is to cover any of the basic club costs that membership fees alone do not raise. Fundraisers are intended to reduce the costs of transportation and when possible entry fees and lodging.
Booster Club Meeting Dates
Volunteer Opportunities
Managing a team of 35 plus students is a huge undertaking - involved and dedicated parents make a difference! We need all of our team members' parents to get involved with the booster club. If you cannot fill a leadership position, please join us at our booster club meetings and stay current on what's happening with our team!
All debate/speech parents are automatically enrolled in the North Mecklenburg Debate and Speech Booster Club when their child joins the team. Our Booster Club needs dedicated, talented, and hardworking parents! We welcome parent member interest. There are many opportunities to contribute and volunteer at our fundraiser events.
Forensic tournaments depend on parents and community members to serve as volunteer judges for each tournament throughout the season. Your judging commitments is needed!
Without the contributions of the booster parents, our team would not be able to compete throughout the season or host the annual Viking Classic tournament.
Thank you for your support!
If you are interested in helping out please contact the boosters.
2018-2019 Booster Board
President: Prasanti Khurana
Treasurer: Zedy O'Brien
Viking Classic Chair: Prasanti Khurana and Zedy O'Brien
At-Large Members:
Michelle Price
Lori Ciuca