You’ve decided to join the North 2018-2019 Debate & Speech Team.
New and returning students we ask that you review the current season handbook, membership fee, payment schedule, tournament schedule, and practice schedule with your parents/guardians!
Member fee must be paid to the booster club
Students and parents are expected to participate in fundraising and volunteer throughout the season
October 13, 2018 all team members and parents must volunteer to help run our Viking Classic tournament
Students must attend schedule practices
Complete and sign student application, health form, permission slips and submit to the head coach
Member Fees
$350 for debate competitors
$400 for speech competitors
Annual member fee covers transportation and tournament registration for all non-optional schedule tournaments. Optional tournament fees & transportation are NOT covered by season membership. Auxiliary members will pay the fee as determined by the head coach and boosters for all tournaments.
The cost of transportation, lodging (where required) and judges fees are a significant expenses for the team.
The Debate and Speech Booster Club was formed to help offset these expenses. The fees paid by the members for each tournament only finance a part of the cost of attending competitions! The Booster Club subsidizes the team travel expenses.
Other Funding
In addition to your membership, Harris Teeter TIE will reimburse us a portion of your Harris Teeter brand purchases. Please consider linking our booster club VIC # 6270 at check out. The Harris Teeter associate will link your card at the register. Harris Teeter requires re-link for their TIE program every August please remember to re-link our booster VIC # 6270 every August. It’s an easy way for us to earn money. Please consider asking grandparents, neighbors and friends to also link up!
Save the Date
The Viking Classic tournament is schedule for October 13! The team will need donations for our food service operations and volunteers to help run the tournament. The profits from the tournament are used to fund the
cost of the transportation and help fund the tournament miscellaneous fees. We also ask that you remember
to signup for the Viking Classic as a volunteer and signup for a donation.
Booster Club
The NMHS Debate and Speech Booster Club is a parent and community-supported non-profit organization, whose purpose is to help support student members of the NMHS Debate and Speech club. All NMHS booster members are volunteers. It is our parent volunteers who serve as the Board Members & Chair the committees; volunteer to judge at tournaments, fund raise, chaperone and help organize the Jimmy K. Poole Viking Classic the NMHS home tournament. There will be many opportunities throughout the year for students and parents to volunteer time to help support the NMHS debate and speech team initiatives.