Code of Conduct
Code of Behavior
All members of the North Mecklenburg Debate & Speech Team are expected to adhere to the team’s code of behavior.
They are expected to treat coaches, judges, staff, competitors, any adult and each other with courtesy and respect.
They are expected to respect the property of others, teammates, coaches, judges, or competitors, as well as the host schools.
They are expected to be on time for all meetings, departures, arrivals, ceremonies, rounds or any other activities relating to forensics.
They are expected to clean up after themselves in the classroom, transport vehicles, and at competitions.
They are expected to be properly dressed for all competitions, including the awards ceremony, even if they change into more casual clothing for travel.
They are expected to keep their enthusiasm within the bounds of good taste in the classroom, during travel, at competitions, and especially during the awards ceremonies, being courteous to all competitors who receive recognition.
North Mecklenburg H.S. requires that all school rules be observed while participating in an extracurricular activity whether on campus or away.
In short, we expect you all to have a great forensics experience by respecting others as well as yourselves!
Overnight Travel Code of Conduct
North Mecklenburg H.S. requires that all school rules be observed while on a field trip
There will be a curfew as directed for each night of any overnight competition. There will a bed check at the announced time, after which team members must be in bed.
Any extra charges incurred by team members for vandalism or telephone use will be billed to all the students in the room and treated as a student financial liability
Students must receive permission from the chaperones to go anywhere outside the tournament location or hotel while not being accompanied by the chaperones. Chaperones should know where students are at all times. Students should report their whereabouts to chaperones if their plans change.
Dress Code
For competitions:
Boys are expected to dress in jacket, shirt, and tie and in good taste.
Girls are expected to dress in suitable dresses, business attire, or dressy skirt or pants outfits. Skirts should be knee length or below.
Jewelry should be conservative and in good taste.
All competitors for one day need to be dressed for competition BEFORE they arrive at the competition site.